G.A.S.guys’ group on Yahoo: This is a closed group. Permission will be granted if asked. Nude pictures (Unless it’s G.A.S.group pictures) and indecent language are not allowed. This group is to help men start or find a G.A.S.group near their area. If you can’t find a G.A.S.group, why not start one? This group is also for discussions on past, present, and the future of group nude swimming for Christian men.


Guys Swim group on Yahoo: This is a closed group. This is a sister group of G.A.S.guy’s Yahoo group. The difference is that pictures are allowed and it’s not just for Christian men. How-ever, there are strict standards in this group, so please read the rules before you decide to join.  This is a great group to find other guys who have the same interest as you.


G.A.S.guy’s group on Facebook: This is an open group. If you want to keep your relations with G.A.S.guys a secret, then I would advise you not to join. This group is for discussions on past, present, and the future of group nude swimming for Christian men. You must be sign into Facebook to see this group.
